
Barska edge sound deck
Barska edge sound deck

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And for added effect, by those times she was dating Touya. Kaho Mizuki is a Touya/Yukito fangirl.

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In The Movie, she even enlists Meiling Li as well.

  • Tomoyo Daidouji in Cardcaptor Sakura, with Sakura Kinomoto and Syaoran Li.
  • This is given a small nod in Stars, where she also speaks to Usagi abut Seiya's feelings.
  • Also, as soon as Rei understood that Mamoru and Usagi were destined to be together, she stepped aside immediately and urged Usagi to act on her feelings.
  • In an exception, she did not ship Naru with Nephrite himself, since she knew that he was working for the Dark Kingdom and thought he wasn't good for Naru she was still sad when, in the end, he came to love her.
  • She also ships Naru and Umino, mostly to help Naru out of her depression after Nephrite dies, and later for real once she sees the pairing more or less works.
  • She also ships Haruka/Michiru ( though they don't need it) and is generally the "everyone deserves love" girl of the series.
  • In Sailor Moon, Usagi ships Rei and Yuuichirou for an episode.
  • Even Ciello, Romeo's flying horse, seems to ship Romeo/Juliet, considering all the times he's suddenly swooped down and landed in an apparently random, out of the way place so that they'll meet up, and that time he got them to ride him together.
  • She gets to see them get married, but doesn't live enough to meet their first child, of whom she would've surely been the godmother if she had survived.

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  • On the other hand, Juliet herself is a Benvolio/Cordelia fangirl.
  • It's even odder if you're familiar with Romeo et Juliette: de la Haine a l'Amour, in which Tybalt himself is in love with Juliet, and in the Hungarian incarnation, obsessed enough to hate Paris as much as he hates Romeo for "stealing" her.
  • Well, the story's rearranged enough that It Makes Sense in Context - Juliet "stealing" Romeo from his family constitutes awesome revenge to this Tybalt.
  • Cordelia and Antonio are Rome/Juli shippers too. Rather ironic when you consider his role in the original work.
  • Tybalt, of all people, ships Romeo X Juliet like nobody's business.
  • Konata isn't as obsessed with it, but it's pretty clear she likes it too.
  • Hiyori from Lucky Star ships Minami/Yutaka, as shown when a heartwarming moment between the two gives Hiyori "ideas".
  • And of course Goku being Goku, he went along with it pretty quickly. Admittedly, their future son had just given him life-saving medicine so he could fight more strong guys. Interesting, considering that Vegeta was still a big ass towards Goku at that point.
  • In Dragonball Z, one could say Goku was a bit of a Bulma/Vegeta shipper.
  • And if they try to shut down the ship itself they'll be a Shipping Torpedo. If a character supports a ship for other reasons rather than mere shipping, they're a Shipper with an Agenda. Beware a Creator's Pet if this is the writer trying to reinforce a disliked pairing. Also contrast with Relationship Sabotage, where someone is trying to undermine a relationship that already exists (although the two can be part of the same plot quite easily, if the idea is to get someone out of one relationship and into another). If everyone in the cast is shipping the same pairing, it becomes a case of Everyone Can See It.Ĭontrasting with The Matchmaker, the Shipper on Deck is usually a secondary character and the characters shipped are the protagonists of the story, and likely to be the Official Couple. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.Ī character in a story actively ships two other characters in the story, trying to make them realize their true feelings while they're both still claiming that She Is Not My Girlfriend.Ĭould be someone in love with one of the character of the pairing but who wants their beloved to be happy, or could be a very good friend, or just someone who likes playing matchmaker.

    barska edge sound deck

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  • Barska edge sound deck